With the newest Kafka consumer API, there are notable differences in usage. Learn how to integrate Spark Structured Streaming and Kafka using this new API.
The goal of someone learning ML should be to use it to improve everyday tasks—whether work-related or personal. To do this, it's important to first understand algorithms.
Think you know everything about the cloud? Well, check out this list of terms, phrases, tools, and providers to make sure you're on top of your cloud game.
Learn to use some of the basic CRUD commands in Git, like creating a repo and adding or deleting files, to make your life easier and improve productivity.
If you don't understand how DevOps works, think of it as the DevOps trinity; people, process, and tools. Read on to learn more about each of these layers.
So you're looking to build a .NET-based application but with .NET Core now floating around you're not sure which .NET runtime you should be using. In this post, we take a look at the various options and compare them to help you make that decision.
Here's just about everything you could want to know about your favorite packaging techniques for Java—skinny JARs, fat/uber JARs, thin JARS, and hollow JARs.