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DZone Sitemap: July 2016 Articles
- 3 Reasons Why People Write Insanely Bad Code
- 5 Good Reasons Why Agile Should Be Applied
- 8 Best Practices to Start a Scrum Project
- A Quick Introduction to HTTP-RPC
- Angular Router: Empty Paths, Componentless Routes, and Redirects
- Apache PDFBox Command-Line Tools: No Java Coding Required
- Automating Penetration Testing in a CI/CD Pipeline: Part 3
- Biggest Change to the Java Ecosystem: New Blood
- Building a Web UI for MySQL Databases in Plain Java
- Building Security Into the Software Development Lifecycle
- Code Coverage for JavaFX With GitLab CI
- Comparing XML and JSON Web Services for Output Equality
- Configure an HTTP Connector as a Listener
- Configure Hazelcast With EC2
- Configuring a File Connector
- Configuring Multiple Database Connections in Lumen
- Cracking Competitive Programming With Go
- Create a Flag With CSS
- Create a While Loop in Mule ESB Without Using Java or Groovy
- Creating a Blogging Platform in Java: Part 1
- Creating PDF Documents With Apache PDFBox 2
- ctags With Swift [snippet]
- Custom Audit Log With Spring and Hibernate
- Docker Daemon Log With Docker for Mac
- Drupal Log Analysis Using the ELK Stack
- Enhancing Mustache via an If-Statement With El Expressions
- Event vs. Delegate
- Feature Branching Using Feature Flags
- Five Different Ways to Create Objects in Java
- Fixing the Constructor Anti-Pattern
- Folding the Universe, Part III: Java 8 List and Stream
- Generating a JAX-WS Webservice Client JAR From a WSDL
- Get the Cell Value From GridView in C#
- Get Your Java Package Structures Right
- Getting the Most out of Your Database with Ruby on Rails
- Graph Databases for Beginners: Native vs. Non-Native Graph Technology
- Hadoop: DataNode Not Starting
- Hardening an AWS EC2 Instance
- How MySQL 5.7 Handles 'utf8mb4' and the Load Data Infile
- How Play Streaming Video With HTML
- How to Capture Network Transactions With Iridium
- How to Debug Java with IntelliJ: Breakpoints, Evaluate Expression, Watches, and Variable View
- How to Fight Knowledge Flight
- How to Test if Your Multi-Threaded Java Rest Service Is Thread Safe
- How to Use Xively Platform in an IoT Project
- Import and Export Excel Files into Varbinary (Max) in SQL Server
- Increase Security by Transitioning From Monolith to Microservices Architecture
- Indoor Location Services: Introduction to IoT Networking
- Insert Items to DynamoDB Tables Using Java
- Inside VRRP: Packet Captures
- Integrating Quartz With Spring
- Is Java Dead? No! Here’s Why...
- Java 8 Optional—Replace Your Get() Calls
- Java 8 Top Tips
- Java Code Challenge: Play the Stockmarket Solution
- Java Runtime Performance Monitoring: GC and Safepoints
- Jenkins Cluster Setup With Docker Containers
- Load Testing With KPIs Part I: What Are KPIs?
- Lombok, AutoValue, and Immutables
- Meet Kapua: An Open Source End-to-End IoT Cloud Platform
- Microservices With AngularJS, Spring Boot, and Kafka
- Microservices Without Containers
- Microservices: Pros and Cons of Mono Repos
- MongoDB Java API: Using a Sequence Collection With FindAndModify()
- MongoDB Performance Monitoring Using the ELK Stack
- Mule MUnit Testing With Variables and Properties
- Mule-HTTP Request and Response Example
- MuleSoft: Connect to a Flat File
- MuleSoft: Digitally Sign and Verify a Document
- MuleSoft: Using a Groovy Component
- My Favorite Spring Data JPA Feature
- Notify Events From PostgreSQL to External Listeners
- Performance Improvement in Java Applications: ORM / JPA
- Programmer Stereotypes By Language Community
- Progressive Web Apps: Better and Low Cost Mobile Presence
- Puppet as a Configuration Management Tool Integrated With App42 DevOps
- Python: Simple HTTP Server With CGI Scripts Enabled
- Query DynamoDB Items With Java
- Query DynamoDB Items With Node.js
- Redis SORT With Jedis
- Render AWS CloudFormation Templates With Docker
- Rolling Window Regression: A Simple Approach for Time Series Next Value Predictions
- Run Your Spring Boot Application on AWS Using Elastic Beanstalk
- Say No to Venn Diagrams When Explaining JOINs
- Self-Describing Logging Using Log4J
- Setting Custom Shortcuts in Visual Studio Code
- Share ASP.NET Core appsettings.json With Service Fabric Microservices
- Simple Example to Bind Tree View in ASP.NET C# Without Recursive Functions
- Simple Form Login Page With Apache Sling
- Six Developer Phrases That QA Engineers Love to Hate
- Software Testing – Is It Time to Fire Your QA Team?
- Split and Clone Editor Views in Eclipse
- Spring Data + Solr Cloud + Zookeeper + MongoDB + Ubuntu Integration
- Spring Tool Suite 3.8.0 Released
- StackOverflow: Seven of the Best Java Answers That You Haven’t Seen
- Tabs vs Spaces: How They Write Java in Google, Twitter, Mozilla, and Pied Piper
- Testing HTTP APIs With Supertest
- Testing Mule Applications With Mule Domain Project Using MUnit Test Suite
- The 5 Most Promising Frameworks of the First Half of 2016
- The Strength of Scrum
- The Ultimate List of 100 Software Testing Quotes
- Top 10 Best Practices for Jenkins Pipeline
- Transactions in Microservices
- Trying to Understand How WhatsApp Uses Encryption
- Understanding G1 GC Log Format
- Unit Testing Mule DataWeave Scripts with MUnit
- Unix: Find Files Greater Than Date
- Using Handlebars Java as a Server Side Templating Language
- Using Moment.js in Node.js
- Using Spring-Managed Event Listeners in Hibernate
- Visualizing Integration Applications
- What Is a DevOps Engineer?
- What Is Functional Testing?
- What Is Loose Coupling?
- What Is the Difference Between Agile ALM and DevOps Software?
- What Is the Difference Between Using Private Flow Versus VM Transport?
- What You Should Know About NODE_ENV
- Why Developers Write Horrible Documentation and How to Solve It
- Writing Integration Tests for RabbitMQ-Based Components
- Writing Simple REST Clients for Azure Search
- XCFit: Full Stack BDD for Swift Using XCUI, Cucumberish, and Fitnesse