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DZone Sitemap: August 2017 Articles
- 10 Most Common Commands for MongoDB Beginners
- 10 Tips for an Effective Monitoring Strategy
- 15 Preventative Measures For Avoiding A Data Breach
- 20 Essential Software Development Books to Read
- 2017 Mobile App Development Trends You Need to Know
- 5 Docker Logging Best Practices
- 5 Things to Know About Reactive Programming
- 5 Things You May Not Have Known About jOOQ
- 5 Tips on Concurrency
- 6 Lucid Steps to Move Data From Salesforce Using Talend
- 9 Best Practices to Handle Exceptions in Java
- A Few Things to Consider When Looking for Patch Management Solutions
- A Guide to Formatting Code Snippets in Javadoc
- A Service Mesh for Kubernetes (Part 8): Linkerd as an Ingress Controller
- A-Life: An Insight into Ambitious AI
- Achieving Fault Tolerance With Resilience4j
- AI Bot Alice From the Mad Botter Offers Agencies Automation and Integration
- An Introduction to Domain Driven Design and Its Benefits
- An Introduction to JAX-RS Annotations (Part 1)
- Analyst, Scientist, or Specialist? Choosing Your Data Job Title
- Angular Authentication With OpenID Connect and Okta in 20 Minutes
- Announcing log4j-aws-appenders
- Apache Spark vs. MapReduce
- API Testing With Cucumber BDD - Configuration Tips
- Article Moderation: Your Questions, Answered
- ASP.NET Core: Converting C# Enums to JavaScript
- ASP.NET MVC 6 Routing Technique
- Azure AD Connect: The Trouble With Expired Passwords
- Backbone.js: Getting Started
- Best Practices for JavaScript Library Versioning
- Blockchain: An Introduction
- Building a Boolean Logic Rules Engine in Neo4j
- Building a Cloud Performance Testing Strategy
- Building Eclipse and MCUXpresso IDE Projects From the Command Line
- Cisco Cites Concerns in 2017 Mid-Year Cybersecurity Report
- Clean Code: Explanation, Benefits, and Examples
- Client, Server, and Tiered Compilation
- Cloud Test Automation Using Selenium
- Code Analysis With SonarQube, Part 1: Setup
- Code Smells: Deeply Nested Code
- Code Smells: Mutation
- Code Smells: Null
- Coffee With a Data Scientist: Tuhin Chattopadhyay, Ph.D.
- CompletionStage Support in Server-Side JAX-RS
- Composing a Sharded MongoDB Cluster on Docker Containers
- Composite Source in Mule
- Concatenating Strings in Java 8
- Concept Learning: The Stepping Stone Toward Machine Learning With Find-S
- Concourse Caching for Java Maven and Gradle Builds
- Configure Bitbucket Webhook to Trigger Jenkins Builds on AWS EC2
- Configuring the AsciiDoctor Maven Plugin
- Consumer-Driven Contracts With Pact, Feign, and Spring Data REST
- Content Enrichment Using Mule Message Enricher
- Continuous Monitoring and DevOps
- Converting C# Enums to JavaScript
- Converting System Strings Into Standard Strings
- CORS (Cross-Origin Request Sharing) in Mule
- Creating a Front-End for Your User Profile Store With Angular and TypeScript
- Creating an Algorithm That Eliminates Red-Eye
- Data Analysis Using Apache Hive and Apache Pig
- Data Science for Java Developers With Tablesaw
- Database Fundamentals #8: All About Data Types
- Defining HTTP Middleware and Best Practices
- Demystifying AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
- Deoptimization
- Deploying the ELK Stack With Ansible
- Docker Commands for Development to Deployment
- Docker Images Tree Visualization
- Dockerizing Jenkins: Securing Passwords With docker-compose, docker-secret and Jenkins Credentials Plugin
- E2E Testing a React/Node.js Application With Cypress.io and Docker
- Eager Subscription: RxJava FAQs
- Enabling Data Recovery With Apache Ignite Native Persistence
- Enabling GTIDs for Server Replication in MariaDB Server 10.2
- Encrypting Inside WSO2 ESB Using the AES Algorithm
- Event Driven Microservices Patterns
- Examining Kotlin: also, apply, let, run, and with
- Execute an Oracle Stored Procedure With Nested Table as a Parameter
- Executing Shell Scripts From Mule
- Facial Recognition Using Java
- Faster PostgreSQL Counting
- Forging an SHA-1 MAC Using a Length-Extension Attack in Python
- Get Alerts When Docker Containers Run Into Issues
- Getting Started With Cucumber.js on Node.js
- Getting Started With Google Sign-In and Spring Boot
- Getting to Know java.nio.file.Path (Part 1)
- Global Query Filters in Entity Framework Core 2.0
- GraphQL Benefits in a REST API, But How?
- Hacking Lambda Expressions in Java
- Hadoop Distributions: Past, Present, and Future
- Handling Incoming Webhooks in PHP
- Hashing Passwords in Java With BCrypt
- Home Automation: Heating With eBus and Bulex
- How C# Reflection Works With Code Examples
- How I Reduced My DB Server Load by 80%
- How Memory Leaks Happen in Java Apps
- How to (Safely) Use a jQuery Plugin With Vue.js
- How to Automatically Document API Endpoints via Swagger
- How to Become a Successful Programmer
- How to Build a Custom Connector in MuleSoft
- How to Build a Salesforce SOAP API Client OSGi Bundle
- How to Configure Apache2 as Forward and Reverse Proxy
- How to Create an Oracle Database Docker Image
- How to Deal With Slow APIs
- How to Implement the File Upload Process in a REST API
- How to Interact With a Database Using Async Functions in Node.js
- How to Interact With a Database Using Promises in Node.js
- How to Order Streamed DataFrames
- How to Return Ajax Response From Asynchronous JavaScript Call: Methods and Code Examples
- How to Run Post-Release Reviews: Learning from a Release Event
- How to Update Hive Tables the Easy Way
- Implementing a Jenkins Plugin From Scratch in 5 Steps and Less Than 5 Minutes
- Implementing JWT Authentication on Spring Boot APIs
- Importance of KVI in Agile Projects
- Incorporating DevOps Into Mobile App Development
- Ingest Salesforce Data Incrementally Into Hive Using Apache NiFi
- Installing Windows 95 on VirtualBox on MacOS
- Installing Windows 98 on VirtualBox on MacOS
- IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2: Spring Boot Improvements
- Introduction to JPA Using Spring Boot Data
- Invoking Flows From DataWeave Transformer
- Java and Branch Prediction
- Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 10): Picocli
- Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 8): Argparse4j
- Java EE MicroProfile With KumuluzEE
- Java EE: Past, Present, and Future
- Java Memory Leaks: Tools, Fixes, and More
- JAX-RS vs. Spring for REST Endpoints
- JAX-RS: What Is @Context?
- July in Web Dev: Approximations, Frameworks, and Callback Hell
- Kafka Architecture
- Kafka Architecture: Log Compaction
- Kafka Consumer Architecture - Consumer Groups and Subscriptions
- Kafka Detailed Design and Ecosystem
- Kafka Producer Architecture - Picking the Partition of Records
- Kafka Producer in Java
- Kafka Topic Architecture - Replication, Failover, and Parallel Processing
- Kotlintest and Property-Based Testing
- Kubernetes: Lifecycle of a Pod
- Looking at Disk Utilization and Saturation
- Managing Secrets With KMS
- Mapping JPA in Your Database With the Time API
- MuleSoft API Lifecycle Management
- New RegEx Features in Java 9
- Object-Oriented Programming Strikes Back!
- OpenAPI (Swagger 2.0) YAML Generation Using API Connect
- OrientDB Intro and HTTP REST API Tutorial
- Pagination in Spring Boot Applications
- Parse Template Transformer in Mule
- PhantomJS With Selenium WebDriver
- PHP: How to Add Expire Headers for External Scripts
- Private vs. Sub Flow in Mule
- Realm Academy Offers Mobile Development Tools That You Need
- Reasons Your Database Might Crash
- Reinforcement Learning Overview
- Reliability Pattern in Mule
- REST API Documentation Generators for Java
- Run Process Debug Tools in Containers, But Install Nothing
- Running Apache Spark Applications in Docker Containers
- Running PHP Applications on .NET Core
- RxJava: flatMap() vs. concatMap() vs. concatMapEager()
- Say Hello to Your Test Coverage [Comic]
- Sensitive Data Masking With MariaDB MaxScale
- Serverless and Python: ''Unable to Import Module 'Handler'''
- Serverless: AWS HTTP Gateway — 502 Bad Gateway
- Setting Up JAX-RS for Equinox OSGI
- Singleton Pattern: A Deep Dive
- Solution vs Software Architecture
- Solving a Clustering Problem Using the k-Means Algorithm With Oracle
- Solving Dependency Conflicts in Maven
- Solving the XML Problem with Jackson
- Solving Your Logging Problems With Logback
- Spring Boot Reactive Tutorial
- Spring Boot With Embedded MongoDB
- Spring Cloud Config (Part 3): ZooKeeper Backend
- Spring Data MongoDB With Reactive MongoDB
- SQL Server Profiler: How It Works, Best Practices, and Tutorials
- Stack vs. Heap: Understanding Java Memory Allocation
- Switching From React to Vue.js
- Ten Questions to Ask After a Network Outage
- Testing MQTT Messaging Brokers
- Testing REST APIs With Hoverfly
- The Basics of the Docker Run Command
- The Bean Class for Java Programming
- The Bean Class for JavaFX Programming
- The Case for Software Architecture Makeover
- The Challenge: Successful Design vs Gold Plating
- The Do's and Don’ts of Java Strings
- The HTTP Series (Part 3): Client Identification
- The HTTP Series (Part 4): Authentication Mechanisms
- The HTTP Series (Part 5): Security
- The New HTTP/2 Plugin for JMeter - The Complete Guide
- The Problems With Longer Sprints
- The Role of Predictive Analytics in DevOps
- The Ultimate Guide to Progressive Web Applications
- Three DBAs Walk Into a NoSQL Bar... [Comic]
- Throttling Database Using Rate Limits for SQL or REST
- To DBaaS or Not to DBaaS?
- Top 10 Programming Languages in 2017
- Transaction Synchronization and Spring Application Events: Understanding @TransactionalEventListener
- Troubleshooting Java Applications on OpenShift
- Tutorial: Connecting to ODBC Data Sources With Python and pyodbc
- Typesafe Config Features and Example Usage
- Understanding Kafka Failover
- Understanding the Use Cases of Java Generics
- Using Airflow to Manage Talend ETL Jobs
- Using Kotlin Extensions in Groovy
- Using Netflix OSS + Spring Cloud Netflix: Part 1
- Using Quartz for Scheduling With MongoDB
- Validate JSON Schema Components in Mule
- Validation Module in Mule
- What Are Important Features of Analytics Software?
- What Are Some Additional Considerations for Automated Testing?
- What Is a Data Science Workbench and Why Do Data Scientists Need One?
- What Is javax.ws.rs.core.context? (Part 1)
- What Skills Do Developers Need to Ensure Their Code Performs Well With Automated Testing?
- What's The Difference Between UI, UX, and CX?
- Where the Industrial Robots Roam
- Why Release Management Is Critical For Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Success
- Why We Should Develop Websites Using HTML5
- WPF Validation: How to Validate the Whole Form on the Button Click
- XMPP Load Testing - Advanced Scenarios
- XMPP Load Testing - The Ultimate Guide