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DZone Sitemap: May 2017 Articles
- 10 Techniques to Boost Your Data Modeling
- 27 Sprint Anti-Patterns Holding Back Scrum Teams
- 4 Business Intelligence Users You'll Encounter in Any Company
- 5 Docker Utilities You Should Know
- 5 Essential Components of Data Strategy
- 5 Reasons You Need an API Experience Layer
- 6 Ways Real User Monitoring Differs From Google Analytics
- 7 Reasons to Consider JUnit 5
- 7 Tips for Boosting SQL Server Query Performance
- A Comparison of SQL and NoSQL to Simplify Your Database Decision
- A Glossary of 37 Modern Data Center Terms You Need to Know
- A Retrospective Idea: Formula 1 Pit Stop
- A Service Mesh for Kubernetes (Part 2): Pods Are Great Until They're Not
- A Short History of Java
- Adding a Custom Dependency Injection Container in ASP.NET Core
- All About VisualVM
- An Attribute-Based Access Control Plan That Won't Affect Database Performance
- An Introduction to Code Coverage
- An Overview of CDI Events
- Apache Flume to Multiplex or Replicate Big Data
- Apache Flume: Regex Filtering
- Apache Ignite: QueryEntity and Basic SQL Query With C# Client
- Apache Karaf Microservices
- ASP.NET Core: Implementing the Syslog Logger
- Asynchronous Master-Slave Replication of PostgreSQL Databases in One Click
- AWS CloudTrail Log Analysis With the ELK Stack
- AWS Lambda: Programmatically Scheduling a CloudWatch Event
- Benchmarking: Apache Ignite Still Keeps Ahead Of Hazelcast
- Best Practices for Synthetic Monitoring
- Boosting Test Performance With TestContainers
- Chasing a Hung MySQL Transaction: InnoDB History Length Strikes Back
- Circuit Breaker, Fallback, and Load Balancing With Netflix OSS and Spring Cloud
- Click Listener for RecyclerView Adapter
- Code Analyzer for Apache Spark
- Coding the Documentation with Structurizr
- Concurrency in Action: Using Java's CompletableFuture With Work Manager
- Conditions in ARM Templates (the Right Way)
- Configuring Your .npmrc for an Optimal Node.js Environment
- Connecting Google Spreadsheet APIs With Mule ESB
- Connecting to Teradata Database With LDAP Using Oracle SQL Developer
- Continuous Delivery Workflows With the Branch-per-Issue Model
- Converting JSON to POJOs Using Java
- Convolutional Neural Networks vs. Cascade Classifiers for Object Detection
- Counting Web Sessions With JavaScript
- Create Microservices and Set Up a Microservice Architecture With MariaDB, Docker, and Go
- Creating a Groovy DSL for Structurizr
- Creating a Mule ESB Sample Hello World Application
- Creating an AWS Service Proxy for Amazon SQS
- Creating Dynamic Charts With PHP and PostgreSQL
- Database Scaling Made Simple
- Database Versioning With Flyway and Java
- Deploy a Golang Web Application and Couchbase as Docker Containers
- Deploying Docker Images to OpenShift
- Deploying Envoy as an API Gateway for Microservices
- Developing JSF Applications With Spring Boot
- Development Environments for Microservices
- Direct Logs to Remote System With Log4j
- Disruptor With Parallel Consumers vs. Multiple Worker Threads With Queues
- Don't Leave QA Out of DevOps!
- Drag and Drop Testing for Web Apps With Katalon Studio
- Easy Excel Report Creation in Java With Apache POI
- EC Rejects Jigsaw
- ElasticSearch: Advantages, Case Studies, and Stats
- Error in PostgreSQL: Argument of WHERE Must Not Return a Set
- Exposing Business Logic as REST API
- Exposing Web Services (CXF) With Mule ESB
- Fighting Service Latency in Microservices With Kubernetes
- Fix the Slow Startup Time of My Java Application Running on macOS Sierra
- Format and Manipulate Numbers With Numeral.js
- FTP Connector With Mule ESB
- Generic JPA Entity History
- Getting Started With Apache Ignite (Part 1)
- Getting Started With Kubernetes and Redis using Redis Enterprise
- Groovy Component With Mule ESB
- HAProxy Performance Tweaks: sysctl and config
- HBase Backup Process: Explained
- How and Why Does Top-Down Programming Work?
- How Much Code Should My Developers Be Responsible For?
- How the Internet of Things Will Affect Database Management
- How to Add Custom Logging in ASP.NET Core
- How to Create a KeyStore in PKCS12 Format
- How to Handle Errors and Exceptions in Large Scale Software Projects
- How to Handle the CSRF Token in JMeter
- How to Make React VR Apps
- How to Parse JSON Data From a REST API Using a Simple JSON Library
- How to Run JavaScript QUnit Tests Using Jenkins and PhantomJS
- How to Upload, Cache, Save and Share Images in an Android App
- How-To: Convert SOAP APIs to REST APIs
- Imitating Pure Continuous Integration in Branching Workflows
- Implementing Structured Logging in Groovy
- In-Memory Data Grids With Hazelcast, Hibernate, and Spring Boot
- Installing and Running Kafka on an AWS Instance
- Installing and Running Presto
- Integrating Gatling Into a Gradle Build: Understanding SourceSets and Configuration
- Intercepting Messages on TCP/IP in Mule
- Introducing a Parameterized Test Suite for JUnit 4
- Introducing Semantic Web Programming (Part I)
- Introduction to CreateJS – Part 1
- IoT Testing for the BLE Protocol
- Java 8 Concepts: FP, Streams, and Lambda Expressions
- Java Enum Lookup by Name or Field Without Throwing Exceptions
- Java Garbage Collection: Best Practices, Tutorials, and More
- Java Profilers: 3 Different Types and Why You Need All of Them
- Java's Observer and Observable Are Deprecated in JDK 9
- JPA Auditing: Automatically Persisting Audit Logs Using EntityListeners
- JPA Caching With Hazelcast, Hibernate, and Spring Boot
- JVM Statistics With jstat
- Lightweight E2E Testing for Spring Boot/Angular Applications
- Lightweight Embedded Java REST Server Without a Framework
- Locking Files in Java
- Making String Validation Faster by Not Using a Regular Expression
- MCUXpresso IDE: Blinky and the NXP LPC800-DIP Board
- Mixing Java Functions and Groovy Closures
- Mobile Apps Save Lives
- Monitor Service Uptime With Heartbeat and the ELK Stack
- Monitoring Your Java Services With Dropwizard Health Checks
- Mulesoft Basic Authentication With HTTPS
- MuleSoft Poll Scope and Watermark
- Multi-Project Builds With Gradle and Fat JARs With Shadow
- Multi-Stage Docker Image Build for Java Apps
- MUnit Testing With Mulesoft: Part II (Mock Message Processor)
- OAuth 2.0 Beginner's Guide
- OkHttp Example REST Client
- OkHttpClient Logging Configuration With Interceptors
- OpenAPI-Driven Documentation for Your API With ReDoc
- Oracle SQL Developer: Scratch Editor
- Parallel Processing in Mule
- Password Encryption and Decryption Using jBCrypt
- Perform Various N1QL Queries Without Indexes in Couchbase Server
- Prometheus Monitoring With Grafana
- QR Code Generator in ASP.NET Core Using Zxing.Net
- Questions CIOs Ask About Rapid Mobile App Development
- RAML or OpenAPI - How About Both?
- Remembering Clean Architecture
- Roach Motel and the Java Memory Model
- SAP SQL Injections
- Shallow and Deep Java Cloning
- Simple APIs With Jekyll and Github With Data Managed via Google Spreadsheets
- SOLID Principles Applied to Swift
- Spring 5 WebFlux and JDBC: To Block or Not to Block
- Spring Core: Reading properties with PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer
- Spring Data JPA Auditing: Automatically Saving the Good Stuff
- Spring Security: Basic Authentication Example
- SQL Server Database Cloning on AWS
- Storing Secrets in Linux
- Strengths and Weaknesses of IoT Communication Patterns
- Strict Transport Security in ASP.NET MVC: Implementing RequireHstsAttribute
- The Benefits of Behavior-Driven Development
- The Drawbacks of Serverless Architecture
- The Evolution of the Java Memory Architecture
- The Genius of the Law of Demeter
- The Hollywood Principle
- The Oracle Validate_Conversion Function
- The Parrot Sequoia API Is Nice and Simple for IoT
- The Top 20 Companies Enabling Predictive Maintenance
- Tips for Designing Mobile Apps That Engage Users
- Tips to Handle Request/Response Size
- TLS/SSL Explained: Examples of a TLS Vulnerability and Attack, Final Part
- TOTE Model For Testers - Test, Operate, Test, Exit
- Triggering Dataflow Pipelines With Cloud Functions
- Understanding Android Garbage Collection Logs
- Understanding the Optimized Logical Plan in Spark
- Understanding When to Use RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka
- Using Eclipse to Program Binary Files to an Embedded Target
- Using ElasticSearch for Big Data Analysis
- Using Jackson's ObjectMapper With Optionals
- Using TinkerBoard With TensorFlow and Python
- Using Your Personal Credit Card for Cloud Services? Beware the Risks!
- Web Applications Frontend and Backend Communication Using Angular 2 HTTP Observables
- What Are Microservices, Actually?
- What Does Spring DelegatingFilterProxy Do?
- What Is a Host Header Attack?
- What Is a Lost Update in Database Systems?
- What Is Email Header Injection?
- What is Git Checkout Remote Branch? How It Works, When to Use It, and More
- What is Git Undo Last Commit? How to Rewrite History — Version History, That Is
- What Is N-Tier Architecture?
- What Is Scrum? How It Works, Best Practices, and More
- What Is Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)?
- What Is Spring Boot Auto Configuration?
- What's New in Java 9? (Besides Modules)
- Win Your War Against Hackers and Secure Your Network
- [Note To Self] Debugging Angular 4 Routing