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DZone Sitemap: April 2020 Articles
- 10 Developer Relations Interview Questions
- 10 IoT Security Tips You Can Use to Secure Your IoT Devices
- 3 Reasons to Use a Random Forest Over a Neural Network
- 7 Advanced C++ Concepts You Should Know
- 8 Scala Pattern Matching Tricks
- 9 Things You Can Build With Reactjs
- A Brief History of EDR Security
- A New Era Of Spring Cloud
- A Quick Start Guide of HTTP Server Using Go
- Accessing Apache Kafka From Quarkus
- Accumulators vs SQL GROUP BY Aggregation
- Alexa Proactive Notification Java Client Sender
- Alexa Skill With .NET Core
- Alexa Skill With Local DynamoDB
- Alexa Skill With Node.js
- Alexa Skill With Python
- Alexa Skill With Spring Boot
- Alexa Skill With TypeScript
- Analytics Web Socket
- Angular JWT Autorefresh With Spring Boot
- Apache Flink With Kafka - Consumer and Producer
- Apache Kafka and Machine Learning in Banking and Finance
- Apache Kafka as Data Historian: An IIoT/Industry 4.0 Real-Time Data Lake
- Apache Spark for the Impatient
- API Management vs API Gateway: Where Does API Analytics and Monitoring Fit?
- Architecture Decision for Choosing Right Digital Integration Patterns – API vs. Messaging vs. Event
- ASP.NET Core 3.0 Blazor CRUD With Azure SQL
- Authentication with Spring Boot and Spring Security — JWT and Postgres
- Automated Deployment of vCSA 6.5/6.7 with Ansible
- Automatic Email — Jenkins Results in HTML Table
- Automatically Synchronizing Data in Two SQL Server Databases
- AWS Lambda Functions and Layers
- Azure, AWS, and GCP: A Multicloud Service Cheat Sheet
- Basic CRUD Operations Using Hasura GraphQL With Distributed SQL on GKE
- Being VP Of Engineering Is Harder Than Being CEO
- Bridge the Gap of Zip Operation
- Building Dynamic UI Form With Oracle JET
- Building Micro-Frontends With Single-spa, React, and Vue
- C++ Type Casting With Example for C Developers
- Chaos Mesh — A Solution for System Resiliency on Kubernetes
- Child IT Education: Learn Development While Playing Games
- Choosing the Right Database for Your Applications
- ClickHouse Made Easy: Getting Started With a Few Clicks
- Client Oriented Dynamic Search Query Supporting Multiple Tables in Spring
- Common Challenges of .NET Application Development
- Configuring Git on Oracle Data Science Cloud Service
- Connecting to the PostgreSQL Database From JMP
- Create a Beautiful Login Form With Angular Material
- Dependency Injection in Spring
- Deploy Web Server on Google Compute Engine (GCE) with Terraform
- Deploying Git Submodules in Bitbucket Pipelines
- Deploying MuleSoft Using Azure DevOps
- Develop and Debug C++ Messaging Client Using AMQP Protocol in Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- Developing a Multi-Tenancy Application With Spring Security and JWTs
- Developing Reactive REST APIs With Quarkus
- DevOps Tutorial: Docker, Kubernetes, and Azure DevOps
- Difference Between Observable and Promise in Angular 8
- Docker Tutorial for Beginners - With Java and Spring Boot
- Doing More With Springdoc OpenAPI
- DTO: Hipster or Deprecated?
- Dynamic Lists With Asynchronous Data Loading in SwiftUI
- Dynamically Schedule the Same Task with Multiple Cron Expression Using Spring Boot
- Easy Database Migration With Liquibase
- Enforcing MuleSoft JWT Validation Policy Using API Manager API
- Enforcing MuleSoft Rate Limiting Policy Using API Manager API
- Enterprise Integration Patterns From ESB to ESP and API
- Ethereum RPCs, Methods, and Calls
- Event Sourcing in .NET Core: A Gentle Introduction
- Event Streaming and Apache Kafka in Telco Business (OSS/BSS)
- Frequently Used Annotations in Spring Boot Applications
- Full-Duplex Scalable Client-Server Communication with WebSockets and Spring Boot (Part I)
- Getting Started With Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile
- GORM Association (t+1) to 1 Database Query
- Guide for Supporting Multiple Versions of Java (8, 11, 14) in Your Maven Project
- Health Checks with ASP.NET Core and Kubernetes
- Hexagonal Architecture in Java
- How Does Spring Boot Auto-Configuration Work?
- How to Build a Coronavirus Dashboard in Java
- How To Copy Text to Clipboard Using Angular 8
- How to Create and Publish Azure Functions in Java
- How to Create Controllable Futures in Scala
- How To Download and Upload Files Using Selenium With Java
- How to Implement JDBC Authentication and Authorization in Mule 4 Using Spring Security
- How to Manage Continuous Releases With Travis CI and Sentry.io
- How to Mock a Rest API in Python
- How to Search Records Between Two Dates Using Web API and ReactJS
- How to Share Knowledge in Software Development
- How To Use Async Pipe in Angular 8
- How to Use Bootstrap Carousel in React
- How to Use MirrorMaker With Apache Kafka Clusters
- How to Use State Inside of an Effect Component With ngrx
- How To Use TrackBy With *ngFor in Angular 8
- Huginn: An Open-Source, Self-Hosted IFTTT
- Implement a Password Strength Meter in Angular 8
- Implementing API Auto-Discovery for MuleSoft Application Deployed to CloudHub and On-Premise
- Implementing Aqua Security to Secure Kubernetes
- Implementing MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform Identity Management Using AWS Cognito Authorization Code
- Import and Export Excel file in ASP .NET Core 3.1 Razor age
- Integrating Azure Monitor Metrics to Prometheus Time-Series Database With Azure Exporter
- Integrating FitNesse with Selenium
- Integrating With SaaS Applications: Example Processes and 3rd-Party Platform Integration
- Introduction to Reactive Programming
- Introduction to Spring Data JPA - Part 5 Unidirectional One to One Relations
- Introduction to Spring Data JPA — Part 4 Bidirectional One-to-Many Relations
- Introduction to Spring Data JPA, Part 3: Unidirectional One to Many Relations
- Invoking REST APIs Asynchronously With Quarkus
- Invoking Stored Procedure With Oracle Abstract Data Type Parameters in Mule 4
- Java 11 HTTP Client API to Consume Restful Web Service Created Using Spring Boot
- JDK 11 HTTP Client API - Handling Request/Response Body Types
- JDK 14 Records for Spring
- JobRunr and Spring Data
- Kafka SSL Client Authentication in Multi-Tenancy Architecture
- Kafka Stream (KStream) vs Apache Flink
- Kubernetes On-Premises: Why and How
- Kubernetes Upgrade: The Definitive Guide to Do-It-Yourself
- Learn More About AWS DevOps Architecture and Tools
- Learn WebAssembly With WebAssembly Studio
- Learning to Code With Swift Playgrounds
- Linux Container CPU: How to Optimize Real-Time and I/O-Intensive Environments
- Mainframe Offloading and Replacement With Apache Kafka
- Make Your Own MSI (and RPM, DEB, and DMG) with JDK14
- Microservice: Async Rest Client to DynamoDB using Spring Boot
- Microservices and Service Mesh at A Glance
- Microservices: A Mere Hype or the Future of Software Development?
- MongoDB to Couchbase: An Introduction to Developers and Experts
- Monitoring Microservices: A 5-Step Guide
- MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport
- Mule 4: Dynamically Call Multiple Subflows With One Flow-Ref
- Multi-Module Monolithic as Microservice
- NGINX With Eureka Instead of Spring Cloud Gateway or Zuul
- OpenAPI 3 Documentation With Spring Boot
- Please Don’t Evict My Pod: Priority and Budget Disruption
- Please Don’t Evict My Pod: QoS Class
- PostgreSQL Connection Pooling: Part 3 – Pgpool-II
- Privacy vs Convenience: Is There a Middle Ground?
- Programming Embedded Systems the Easy Way — With State Machines
- Pulling Images from External Container Registry to OpenShift Cluster via ImageStream
- RDF Storage: Apache Jena TDB
- RDS, Redshift, DynamoDB, and Aurora – How Do They Compare?
- Read/Write a Raw JSON, Array-Like JSON, and Map-Like JSON File as an Object
- Reading Spark Query Plans
- RedHat 3-Scale API Management for Beginners
- Remote Agile (Part 7): Sprint Review with Distributed Teams
- REST API Design Best Practices for Parameters and Query String Usage
- RestTemplate vs. WebClient
- Running Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 With Prometheus (Part 1)
- Salesforce Composite Connector in Mule 4
- Secure Communication with Token-based RSocket
- Secure Mule API by Auth0 (External Identity Provider)
- See What's New in Neo4j 4.0
- Sending HTTP Requests in 5 Minutes With Scala and Akka HTTP
- Server-Side Pagination Using ASP.NET Core and Angular 8 - Part Three
- Serverless Apache Spark: Data Flow Cloud Service
- Serverless Kubernetes, Managed Nodes on AWS EKS, and More
- Software Design: Growing Impact on the Industry
- Software Development Life Cycle — The Ultimate Guide [2020]
- Spring Data JPA - Part 1
- Spring Data JPA Introduction - Part 2
- Spring Tips: Apache RocketMQ
- Spring Webflux Multipart File Upload and Reading Each Line Without Saving It
- Spring Webflux: EventLoop vs Thread Per Request Model
- SSL Handshake Failed Error: What it Is and How to Fix it
- The 4 Soils — Sprint Retrospective
- The Beginner’s Guide to Java and Its Components
- The Best Ways to Update IoT Devices Over-the-Air
- The Complete Gradle Plugin Tutorial
- The Complete Tutorial on the Top 5 Ways to Query your Relational Database in JavaScript - Part 1
- The Complete Tutorial on the Top 5 Ways to Query Your Relational Database in JavaScript - Part 2
- The Cost of Building an Enterprise API Analytics Platform
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Cloud Computing
- The Foundations for Building an Apache Flink Application
- Top Selenium C# Automation Testing Frameworks For 2020
- Transaction Management with Spring and MySQL
- Understanding Kubernetes Interfaces: CRI, CNI, and CSI
- Understanding the Reactive Thread Model (Part 2)
- Understanding the Reactive Thread Model: Part 1
- Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Practice
- Unit Testing Xamarin Forms View Model
- Unit-API: What, How, and Why
- Update a Specific Value in a Multi-Level Nested JSON Document Using N1QL in Couchbase
- Use AWS Glue To Migrate RDS Data To Amazon Redshift
- Using Enterprise Architecture Framework (TOGAF) in an Agile Way
- Validating EDI Data in Java
- Validation Forms in Vue.js Apps Using Vuelidate library
- Visualize Time-Series Data With Timescale and Grafana
- Web UI to Create Client App and Contract to Access an API in API Manager (Mule 4)
- What Exactly Nullptr Is in C++?
- What Is CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) in MuleSoft VPC
- What Is the Purpose of a Proof of Concept (POC)?
- What Is, Why We Need, and How to Do Data Synchronization
- When Drones Go Dark
- Who Is Leading Among The Big Three?: AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud Market Comparison
- Why Is Contravariance in Scala so Hard?
- Working With Data in Microservices
- Zero Downtime Deployments: Best Practices for CI/CD on Heroku